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 Saboti frana Campagnolo pt jante PEO alum blue

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Saboti frana Campagnolo pt jante PEO alum blue

Date identificare producator--- CAMPAGNOLO S.r.l. Via della Chimica 4 36100 Vicenza Italien

Specificatii tehnice:
Special blue brake pads with improved rubber compound for Shamal Mille and other wheels with aluminium braking surface, that feature the special Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (P.E.O.) treatment. These pads do not show an excessive variation of braking efficiency between "dry" and "wet" conditions. The braking performance of this new type of product is decidedly superiore than a normal braking rim without Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation treatment, therefore it is normal for the brake blocks to have greater wear than traditional brake blocks for aluminium. Selectable for Campagnolo (fixing with retention spring) and Shimano (screw fixing) brake pad holders.

Stoc: In stoc

Special Price: 175 RON

TVA inclus

Garantie: 12 luni


Grupa generica

Model Saboti frana

Specificatii biciclete

Culoare Negru/Albasrtu

Categorii biciclete

Producator Campagnolo
Destinatie Componente


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